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North By Northwest expositions Lines show up, shaping inclined boxes on which the credits show up The lines become the windows of an e...
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Effects Of Exercise On The Musculoskeletal System
Introduction: After exercise, your body experiences are immediate and more gradual effects. When you start exercising, you’ll notice: - more frequent muscle contraction - raised body temperature and pulse - deeper breathing known as tidal volume Longer-term effects occur as the body adapts to regular exercise, including: - your heart getting larger - bones becoming denser - Vital capacity of your breath deepening. Exercise has effects on the Musculoskeletal, Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Energy Systems. Musculoskeletal System To maintain effectiveness of muscle and bone activity, the effects of on the musculoskeletal system are the greatest benefits a person can ask for. When exercising, the weight or stress you’ve produced to the muscles can create resistance and then contraction of the muscles can be drawn out. These contractions enable the muscles significantly increase in size. Along with the increase in size is the increase in strength as well. Repeated exercise, coupled with weight bearing activities, hypertrophy, and medical term for increase in muscle size, of the muscles will be evident. For example: Body Builders tend to carry heavy barbells and dumbbells, which create greater resistance, leading to a more solid contraction, resulting to greater muscle size and strength. This also explains why runners have well defined legs, swimmers have broad shoulders and basketball players have solid biceps and triceps. Review of the Effects on the Musculoskeletal SystemShow MoreRelatedThe Effect Of Exercise On The Musculoskeletal System1653 Words  | 7 PagesExercise is able to make our body change and be modified to certain intensity or a certain type of exercise. It affects the way we move, our temperature change, the health of our organs, movement of joints and the ability to push our heart to pump blood faster. Once we begin to exercise; the body has to respond to the change in intensity in order to maintain a constant internal environment (homeostasis). Acute effects of exercise affect our musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system. TheRead MoreP6, M4, D2 - Review Physiological Data Collected, Describing, Explaining, Analysing the Effects of Exercise on the Musculoskeletal, Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Energy System1869 Words  | 8 Pagesreviewing the different effects of exercise on the body system including the acute and long term using the pre-exercise, exercise and pos t-exercise physiological data which I collected based on interval and continuous training method. I will also be including the advantages and disadvantages of these, also the participants’ strengths and areas where they can improve on. - Effect of exercise on the musculoskeletal system As Andre began to exercise, this had an effect on he’s bones; this is becauseRead MoreAcute And Chronic Effects On The Body System878 Words  | 4 Pagesyou exercise, changes occur in your body system known as acute and chronic effects. Acute effects on the body system contain short term effects and they would occur straightway when performing exercise. Whereas, chronic effects on the body system contain long term effects and it is adaptable to the body system so new demands are encountered within the future. There are different systems that occur in our body: musculoskeletal system, energy system, respiratory system and cardiovascular system. MusculoskeletalRead MoreCase Of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus1323 Words  | 6 Pagesin the blood and urine. 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Aquatic therapy takes the weight off people so people are not bearing on all their body weight like they are on land whi ch is called buoyancy.1 Aquatic therapy can be used for many different types of illnesses, diseases, syndromes, disorders, and musculoskeletal problems, including osteoporosis, osteoarthritisRead More Chili Peppers Essay1261 Words  | 6 Pagesactually bring a better sensation. Capsaicin can be used for medical purposes. Three studies show that capsaicin can be used to treat chronic pain, restore cardiac autonomic functions, and maintain modest body-weight loss. However, there is also a deeper effect of these studies that meet the eye. In a study by Lorna Mason, R. Andrew Moore, Sheena Derry, Jayne E. Edwards, and Henry J. McQuay, the results showed that while the results were not the most effective, topical capsaicin can be used for those whoRead MoreThe Function Of James And Musculoskeletal System1509 Words  | 7 Pageshad some difficulties swallowing and often experiences unpredictable movements due to lack of control. As a result, he primarily uses a wheelchair and requires careful assistance when performing everyday activities. The function of James’ musculoskeletal system is primarily to facilitate movement as the contraction of his muscles pull on bone to carry out an action. It also contributes to heat production for enzymes to function, stability by resisting unwanted movement and maintains his posture (SaladinRead MoreThe Effect Of Physiological Changes On Children Essay1531 Words  | 7 Pagesthey age. These changes can have drastic effects on their mobility and in turn, lives of the older adult. Outlined below are key physiological changes which effect mobility. The older adult faces declines to their cellular and metabolic rate which translates to declines in the integumentary system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal system, musculoskeletal system and neurological systems (Potter Perry, 2010) Changes in each system holds consequences for the mobility of olderRead MoreChiropractic, Osteopathy, Physiotherapy1304 Words  | 6 PagesChiropractic is a form of health care that predominantly focuses on the relationships of structures (mainly the spine and pelvis) and its functions (mainly the nervous system). (10) The main focus is to treat a patient without the use of drugs or surgery and to also have long term positive outcomes on the patient(s) rather than immediate effect although there are also immediate reliefs of pain (mainly in the lower back). Physiotherapy focuses on the movement and function of an injured area to assess theRead MoreThe Biomechanical Frame Of Reference In2097 Words  | 7 Pagesbiomecha nical frame of reference, practitioners are enabled to do the following: Outline and define musculoskeletal problems Develop exercise and activities that restore and maintain function Design and fabricate adaptive equipment to meet functional activity goals Measure functional musculoskeletal progress in treatment Biomechanics can be used to research the effects of activity on the musculoskeletal system. It provides a useful approach in hand clinic centers for physical rehabilitation, work hardening
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Social diagnosis Free Essays
Would you rather follow your heart or your head? 33. What is your opinion about same gender relationships? 34. Do you think the past matters in a relationship? 35. We will write a custom essay sample on Social diagnosis or any similar topic only for you Order Now How would you react if I told I have had a relationship with a partner of the same gender? 36. Do you believe in any god or gods? Why? 37. Do you have any political opinions? 38. Do you have any hobbies? 39. Have you ever experimented with drugs? 40. What do you think is the key to good parenting? 41. Do you like pets in the house? 42. What is the weirdest thing about you? 43. Tell me something about your first kiss. 44. If your parents don’t like me for some reason, is that a deal breaker? 45. Have you ever regretted one of your ‘romantic encounters’? 46. Do you believe in soul mates? 47. Do you have a criminal record, any contraction of diseases? 48. What is your dream Job? 49. Are you willing to stay away from your family if you ever have to for a Job? 50. Which living celebrity/author/singer would you like to know? 51 . If you could meet a famous dead person, whom would you like to meet? . What do you think about unfaithfulness in a relationship? 53. Do you think love at first sight is possible? 54. How do you balance personal responsibilities with relationship responsibilities? 55. Who is your favorite fictional character and why? 56. Do you prefer reading books or watching movies? 57. Do you have any regrets in life? 58. What is your ideal vacation? 59. Do you have a favorite movie? 60. If you are allowed to do Just one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? 61 . What is the one thing about you that you take pride in? . What is the most courageous thing you have ever done in your life? 63. What is your earliest memory? 64. What do you like most about you? 65. Will you be 0K with me hanging out with you and your friends? 66. What would you do if you wanted to live your life differently? 67. Have you ever taken dancing classes? DO you like to dance? 68. Do you think it is important to learn any form ofa performing art? 69. What are you looking for in a relationship? In the long term or short term? 70. If you have three wishes, what do would you wish for? 71 . Which is the song that makes you happy? 72. If you could have a superpower, what would be your superpower? 73. Who is the most influential person for you so far in life? 74. Is there a movie that makes you cry no matter how many times you watch it? 75. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 76. What is the best advice you ever received? 77 What kind ot music you like? 78. If you had a previous relationship, why did your last relationship break up? 79. Are you still friends with that person? 80. Was there ever a best moment you spent with them? 1 . What are the craziest things that youVe done with someone? 82. What will you have accomplished one year from now? 83. If you could go on a road trip where would you go? 84. What is the best part about family life? 85. What is a favorite memory you have of being with your family? 86. Tell me 3 good points about me. 87. What are your expectations of me? 88. Did you ever want to kill someone? 89. Have you ever wanted something really bad and then later, not so much? 90. Is there anything I could do to make you think I am bad? 91 . What would you do without lectricity for 3 days? 2. Do you like to go shopping, not buying, shopping? 93. After I had asked you out for the first time, was there any part of you that wanted to say no? 94. Where are some other places you like to go on dates? 95. What are your views on open relationships? Do you know what an open relationship is? 96. Would you ever adopt a child? 97. Is money more important to you or arerelationships you share with people more i mportant? How to cite Social diagnosis, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
A Portrait Of A Young Man Essay Example For Students
A Portrait Of A Young Man Essay Portrait of a Young Man was painted by Angolo Bronzino between the years of 1503-1572. The portrait is 37 5/8 by 29  ½ inches and is an oil on wood Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999. I picked this painting because of the self assurance, at first glance, of the young man that is depicted. This appealed to me because it reflected my own attitude. After studying the portrait for a considerable amount of time I began to see possible sadness or self-doubt in the young mans face that betrays his powerful stance. I felt a connection to the young man, knowing all too well what it was like to present a powerful outside image while knowing there was a self conscious and scared person inside. The main image of the portrait is the young man. He is wearing a long black jacket, in the style of the sixteenth century, with part of a white ruffled collar and cuffs peeking out of his jacket. He is also wearing a black and what appears to be a beaded beret. He has a light complexion. His oval shaped face contains an oval shaped dark eyes with light, rounded eyebrows. He has an elongated nose with an indentation underneath it. He has peach colored lips and a clefted chin. He is slightly turned towards the viewer. His left hand is resting on his waist, the fingers are spread apart except for his middle and ring fingers, theyre close together and his right hand is holding a poetry book Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1999 with his index finger between the pages. Under his left arm there is the arm of a brown chair with a monsters face and supporting his right arm is an ornate, plum colored table with another monsters An Artistic Evaluation 1 An Artistic Evaluation: Portrait Of A Young Man Samantha Sauri Prof. Vrachopoulos Art 101 February, 28, 1999 3 head worked into the side. According to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the monster heads that are found on the furniture and on the folds of the young mans clothing, which I was unable to locate, allude to literary references that would have been appreciated by the artists friends. In the background there is a green colored room, that includes a door frame, a Doric column and a capital. Portrait of a Young Man was painted during the Mannerism period. It was done by Bronzino in Italy c.1540. The portrait is 37 5/8 by 29  ½ inches, its vertical because its a portrait. The frame cuts the shapes in the painting, this was done purposely in the typical Mannerism style which usually crowded the pictorial area . The painting is supported by wood, opaque oil paints were applied thickly with a fine brush, I was unable to see any distinct brush strokes. The forms are flat except for the beads on the young mans hat which seem to raise off the painting. The portrait contains a simple organization. There are few individual units like the chair and table but the picture is crowded. The shapes are regular and complete with clear defining lines. The painting is geometrically ordered, the chair and table appear to support and reinforce the pose of the young man.The palette the artist used is subdued, plain and limited in contrast to the Mannerists usual conflicting, bright colors. The two dominant colors are black and green. These colors fall into the neutral and cool section of the color spectrum. The light source is subtle and outside the picture but the portrait contains no shadowing. The space is shallow and screened, the perspective is linear 4 causing the young man to be not only the emphasis but to appear close to the observer. .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7 , .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7 .postImageUrl , .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7 , .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7:hover , .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7:visited , .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7:active { border:0!important; } .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7:active , .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7 .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue9ba6b148897e7d937d3d8d2be2426e7:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Dementia and the Different Parts of the Brain Affected EssayThe young man is stationary, aloof and is shown from the mid-thigh up. He is dressed in formal tight clothing that gives no indication of whom he is or where he is from. It is possible that the portrait is a cabinet picture which would account for the somber mood of the portrait. I felt a connection and an understanding with the painting. The young man is supposed to relay a certain image, the image of power and self assurance but it gave an aura of apprehension. It appealed to the humane and knowledgeable aspect of my soul. The evaluation helped me to understand how art conveys images and feelings and how to iden tify them. I previously didnt know how to detect these aspects of art, I admired paintings for their esthetic value but not their spiritual value. This project helped me appreciate that.
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