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North By Northwest essays
North By Northwest expositions Lines show up, shaping inclined boxes on which the credits show up The lines become the windows of an e...
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
North By Northwest essays
North By Northwest expositions Lines show up, shaping inclined boxes on which the credits show up The lines become the windows of an enormous structure Fundamental character converses with his secretary about his arrangements They go over his calendar for the following day while heading to his arrangement He requests that her call his mom and help her to remember their night commitment As she drives away, he recalls that his mom cannot be reached at the typical number, yet doesnt have the opportunity to tell his secretary before the taxi drives away Capacity/Theme: Shows occupied office life Clarification: Roger Thornhills life is brimming with movement Roger Thornhill pulls in the watchmen consideration regarding get some information about sending his mom a wire The scoundrels see him and expect that hes George Kaplan As he follows the watchman, hes halted by two men, one of whom has a firearm, and is driven away, demanding that theyve committed an error Capacity/Theme: an unlucky spot/Mistakes occur Clarification: Thornhill is seen conversing with the doorman whod been searching for George Kaplan, and its expected that he is thusly Kaplan Thornhill attempted to connect with the man to his left side in discussion to discover whats occurring and is baffled when his endeavors fizzle Thornhill hangs over the man to his left side to attempt to get away, however finds the entryway is bolted and is disillusioned Capacity/Theme: Shows Thornhills steadiness/Making the best out of a terrible circumstance Clarification: Thornhill had been seized and is en route to an obscure area Lester Townsend enters and draws in George Kaplan in discussion about what his identity is Townsend alludes to Thornhill as Kaplan, and Thornhill attempts to clarify his character Townsend implies that Kaplan probably won't endure the night on the off chance that he doesnt participate Thornhill demands that he must be en route to the auditorium in New York to see a play he&... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Royal Mails Human Resource Strategy
Regal Mails Human Resource Strategy 1.The Royal Mail do have three degrees of methodologies:- Corporate level - which manages the general association. Ex: Geographical areas, Market choice. Business level system is referenced for each sort of business completed by the Royal mail. Utilitarian level-The Finance, Human Resource Management, Production, Marketing, Research and Development goes under this segment. The Corporate system of Royal mail is planned so that it demonstrates their capacity to adapt to the market changes in a positive and negative way. It is the hardships of the workers and their standard client administrations makes the Royal mail to get an upper hand over its rivals like TNT, DHL and so on. Illustrious Mail which was once supposed to be the Monopolist in the field of Postal administrations lost the title of Monopoly in the start of 2006. It had 99% of the piece of the pie in its grasp. Imperial mail do have a view to make their corporate Strategic duty to turn into a piece of their key administration process. They are:- 2. Corporate Strategic obligation incorporates:- The help of the laborers from the working environment which shapes the foundation of the Royal mail. The administration additionally manages the laborers in an all the more well disposed way with no sort of segregation. Being laborers supposed to be the advantages of the firm, Royal Mail takes great consideration of their laborers and with respect to the working conditions as well. To make its activities intended to have a solid beneficial outcome on its laborers, clients and to its providers. Accomplish a net zero carbon impression by 2015 and to help their customers to do their exercises to have a positive bit of leeway towards the earth and to achieve an upper hand. In light of their Corporate obligation Royal Mail wishes to be unique in relation to its rivals Regal mail had made their corporate procedure by mulling over of their Organizational goals and their accomplishment. It is in the Functional level the Human Resource Strategies shows up. The meaning of the Human Resource technique and the Human Resource Strategies of the Royal Mail from 2005-2010 are referenced underneath. 3.Human Resource technique (Definition):- Before moving to Human Resource Strategy we should comprehend what is implied by the term strategy?.Strategy typically implies choosing the best choice from a surge of choices. As per Lundy and cowling (1998,p16), procedure is: The craft of war, generalship, particularly the specialty of coordinating military developments to make sure about the most invaluable positions and blend of powers. The Human Resource Management group in the Royal Mail coordinates the laborers by spurring them and giving them appropriate preparing so as to accomplish the Organizational objectives and to get an upper hand over its opponents. The term Human Resource Strategy is very much characterized as Human Resource the board (HRM) is a key way to deal with overseeing business relations which stresses that influence people groups abilities is basic to accomplishing supportable upper hand, this being accomplished through a particular arrangement of coordinated work strategies, projects and practices. [Bratton and Gold,4e,p3] 4.The Human Resource Strategies from 2005 2010:- Human Resource Management frames the most significant capacity in an Organization as the laborers are viewed as the important resources of the firm. The correct sort of individuals in right situation at the ideal time is the target of the HR Manager. It is said that ordinarily in a day HR Manager typically burns through 20% of their working hours in managing the complaints of the representatives without influencing the Organizations routine exercises. HR Executives ought to have a capacity to manage their staffs in a reasonable and well disposed way as opposed to forcing more control on them. The Royal Mail take the endeavors made by their laborers into great thought and depend on the reality about their vocation improvement as opposed to just an occupation. The Royal Mails Human Resource systems in the period from 2005 to 2010 is referenced underneath which incorporates a few dangers they confronted and the means embraced to confront those dangers. Human Resource procedures of the Royal Mail in 2005:- One of the most significant activities of the Royal Mail can be found in the start of 2005 which utilized applicants from the socially prohibited gatherings. The applicants who were enrolled performed very well in the determination procedure just as in the Organization as well. Newcomers by this procedure were put in position as mailman, conveyance van drivers, letter arranging who were ex-administration men or the individuals who are destitute. This Pilot program helped the Royal Mail in bringing down the expense and work turnovers and demonstrated as the firm with best representative fulfillment. The representatives hence had a drawn out duty and had a self inspired way to deal with buckle down for the firm to accomplish its objectives. The business desire for high duty and the representative desire for dealing with their social needs made the laborers of the Royal Mail to be faithful to the firm and improved the proportion of trust towards the firm. The intentional associations li ke the Royal Association of Disabled and Rehabilitation, Business activity on Homelessness and so forth helped the Royal Mail to get up-and-comers of socially barred gatherings. The Human Resource group played a significant capacity in sifting through the rundown of debilitated competitors and choosing the best applicants through a standard choice procedure. The Human Resource Manager who have the Management as a craftsmanship angle implies having inalienable gifts will have those aptitudes to enroll those individuals who can add to the limit of their reach out towards their Organization. The Royal mail group directed by Mr. Adam Crozier made record yearly benefits in 2005 which assisted with giving 1074 pounds of rewards to its laborers. These were accomplished by the representative performance,better client support by appropriately prepared staff and their presentation related compensation procedure of the Human Resource group. Human Resource systems of the Royal Mail in 2006:- The Human Resource group in the Royal Mail had the option to give moment answers for the complaints of the workers. The beginning of the year 2006 was not as useful for the Royal Mail as it confronted a postal strike in Belfast. About 200 mailmen halted their labor for about fourteen days which had a negative effect on the Royal Mails administrations to the clients. The clients were said to contact the workplace straightforwardly for any significant issues and the majority of the letters and archives were obstructed in certain spots remained undelivered. The Communication Workers Union says that the strike was because of the terrible and out of line practices of the directors towards the laborers in Belfast and the center issue isn't acknowledged by the Royal Mail. Significant conveyance including particular administrations were halted briefly and the administration made quick move to take care of the issue. The Workers in strike were guaranteed that they won't be dealt with severely when they come back to their work and essential moves will be made against the individuals who were seen as blameworthy. The Human Resource group in the Royal Mail paid attention to the issue and they ensured that the laborers will be dealt with decently and with no separation. The mental agreement which says high inspiration and high duty ought to be thought about which made the Human Resource Manger to manage the circumstance in an inviting and savvy way. It was for the current year the Royal Mail lost its situation as a Monopoly in the postal Industry and began confronting wide spread rivalry. The administration concurred that their will be no decrease in the work power, high professional stability will be furnished with salary increase scales to the staffs. The Christmas period of 2006 likewise made the clients of the Royal Mail to endure because of the strike of 800 specialists which caused immense volume of undelivered archives in the workplace. The administrations choice to change some full time post to low maintenance when an employment opportunity emerge was questioned by the worker's guild by saying that it is against the National understanding. The issue was raised genuinely and the Royal Mail reacted to it by saying that the choice will be with the assent of the laborer understanding. The strike was halted by coming to the point that the new position openings in the Royal Mail will be done by the administration with the consolidated hands of the worker's guild to settle on choice in regards to whether to treat the opportunity full time or low maintenance and the administration guaranteed that no staff will be compelled to change his all day work status to low maintenance. The end of the arranging office in Paddington, London around the same time was clarified by the Royal Mail as a stage taken so as to improve their consumer loyalty and efficiency against the wide spread gossipy tidbits about some unlawful activities of the mailmen. The 950 specia lists who worked their were incidentally avoided their obligations and some of them were given exchange offers. The laborers duty in a firm rely upon their compensation as well as on different components like work environment, worker business relationship, partner character and so on. The sacking of 5 specialists who treated their ladies associate seriously in one of the Royal Mail branch shows the quick reaction taken by the Human Resource group in those issues which influences a representative to perform well in an Organization and to lessen those exercises which influences the notoriety of the firm. The Human Resource group has verified enhancements in the wellbeing and security measures for the laborers because of the colossal fine the firm needed to pay in regards to the passing of a representative, which was made as a wellbeing and security issue by the court. Human Resource systems of the Royal Mail in 2007:- The Privatization of the Royal Mail was the principle issue examined by the Human Resource group in the Royal Mail and the laborers purpose of trust towards the firm
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Native-speaker And Non-native-speaker Teachers Of English - 2
Native-speaker And Non-native-speaker Teachers Of English - 2 Native-speaker And Non-native-speaker Teachers Of English â€" Essay Example > Native-speaker and non-native-speaker teachers of EnglishIntroductionThe English language has become the unparalleled lingua franca of the world as the number of second and foreign language speakers of English surpasses by far the number of native speakers of English or the first language speakers of English as indicated by Graddol, (1997, p. 9). Be it as it may, non native speakers of English language have continued to be at an disadvantage when competing with English native speakers which has transcended to non native teachers of English, despite the fact that there are more than eighty percent English language teachers globally who are non-native English speaking teachers (Canagarajah, 2005, p. 11). It is argued that both native speakers of English and non-native speakers of English have much to offer as teachers of English to speakers of other languages. In this regard, this assignment will explore several contexts of ESL/EFL in which teachers of native speakers of English and no-native speakers of English teach English. This will include the consideration of the kind of knowledge, skills and attitude which are necessary for an English teacher to take on board when teaching English in specific contexts. Definitions of terms A native speaker of English is conventionally described as a person who speaks English as their native language or as their first language (Anchimbe, 2006, p. 1). That is to say English is their mother tongue. On the other hand the non native English speakers are persons for whom English is a second language or a foreign language to them, that is, they have a native language which is not English (Arva Medgyes, 2000, p. 355). Non Native English speaking teachers are also known as Non-NESTs while native English speaking teachers are known as NESTs. The term ESL will be routinely used in this report and it refers to English as a Second Language or EFL, which refers to English as a foreign language (Ellis, 2004, p. 55). On the other ha nd, the term ELT refers to English Language Teaching (Anchimbe, 2006, p. 1). The role a native and a non native English speaker play in teaching ESL According to Medgyes, there are perceived differences in teaching behavior between native English speaking teachers and non-native English speaking teachers teaching speakers of other languages (Medgyes, 1999, p. 435). Among these differences are their uses of English where NESTs speak better English and they utilize the language more confidently while non-NESTs are more prone to using bookish English and they are less confident when utilizing the English language (Medgyes, 1999, p. 435). In regards to the general attitude, NESTs assume a more flexible approach, they are less empathetic with learners of ESL, they have far-fetched expectations, they are more causal and they are less dedicated to the teaching process (Ellis, 2004, p. 63). In contrast, non-NESTs adopt a guided approach to the English language and they are more empathetic to learners of ESL, more dedicated to teaching English, stricter and they address the real needs and have realistic expectations from their students (Medgyes, 1999 p. 435). In relation to the attitude they have towards teaching the English language, Medgyes indicates that NESTs are less insightful and they are more concerned with meaning, fluency, how language is used, oral skills and colloquial registry (Medgyes, 1999 p. 435). In addition, they tend to teach items if context, they do not resort to translation, they set fewer assessment tests, they have a higher tolerance for errors and opt for group work and they favor free learning activities (Ellis, 2004). In relation to non-NESTs, these teachers are more insightful, they concentrate on accuracy, form, rules of grammar, printed form and formal registry (Medgyes, 1999, p. 436). In addition, non-NESTs favor controlled activities, they teach items in isolation, the prefer frontal work than group work, they easily correct and punis h learners when they make errors, they are more prone to setting more assessment tests and they more often resort to translation and usage of their first language (Medgyes, 1999, p. 437). As highlighted above, native speakers of English and non-native speakers of English offers different benefits to the learning of ESL process (Anchimbe, 2006, p. 1).
Friday, May 22, 2020
Life Is Beautiful (1997) - Movie Review
When I first heard about the Italian movie Life Is Beautiful (La Vita e Bella), I was shocked to discover that it was a comedy about the Holocaust. The articles that appeared in the papers bespoke of many that found even the concept of the Holocaust portrayed as a comedy to be offensive. Others believed that it belittled the experiences of the Holocaust by inferring that the horrors could be ignored by a simple game. I, too, thought, how could a comedy about the Holocaust possibly be done well? What a fine line the director (Roberto Benigni) was walking when portraying such a horrendous subject as a comedy. Yet I also remembered my feelings to the two volumes of Maus by Art Spiegelman - a story of the Holocaust portrayed in comic-strip format. It was months before I dared read it, and only then because it was assigned reading in one of my college classes. Once I started reading, I couldnt put them down. I thought they were wonderful. I felt the format, surprisingly, added to the books power, rather than distracting from it. So, remembering this experience, I went to see Life Is Beautiful. Act 1: Love Although I had been wary of its format before the movie began, and I even fidgeted in my seat, wondering if I was too far from the screen to read the sub-titles, it took only minutes from the films beginning for me to be smiling as we met Guido (played by Roberto Benigni - also the writer and director). With a brilliant mixture of comedy and romance, Guido used flirtatious random encounters (with a few not so random ones) to meet and woo the school teacher Dora (played by Nicoletta Braschi - Benignis real-life wife), whom he calls Princess (Principessa in Italian). My favorite part of the movie is a masterful, yet hilarious, sequence of events involving a key, time, and a hat - youll understand what I mean when you see the film (I dont want to give too much away before you see it). Guido successfully charms Dora, even though she had been engaged to a fascist official, and gallantly retrieves her while riding on a green painted horse (the green paint on his uncles horse was the first act of anti-Semitism that is shown in the film and really the first time you learn that Guido is Jewish). During Act I, the movie-goer almost forgets he came to see a movie about the Holocaust. All that changes in Act 2. Act 2: The Holocaust The first act successfully creates the characters of Guido and Dora; the second act delves us into the problems of the times. Now Guido and Dora have a young son, Joshua (played by Giorgio Cantarini) who is bright, loved, and doesnt like to take baths. Even when Joshua points out a sign in a window that says Jews are not allowed, Guido makes up a story to protect his son from such discrimination. Soon the life of this warm and funny family is interrupted by deportation. While Dora is away, Guido and Joshua are taken and placed in cattle cars - even here, Guido tries to hide the truth from Joshua. But the truth is plain to the audience - you cry because you know what is really happening and yet smile through your tears at the obvious effort Guido is making to hide his own fears and calm his young son. Dora, who had not been picked up for deportation, chooses to board the train anyway in order to be with her family. When the train unloads at a camp, Guido and Joshua are separated from Dora. It is at this camp that Guido convinces Joshua they are to play a game. The game consists of 1,000 points and the winner gets a real military tank. The rules are made up as time goes on. The only one that is fooled is Joshua, not the audience, nor Guido. The effort and love that emanated from Guido are the messages relayed by the movie - not that the game would save your life. The conditions were real, and though the brutality was not shown as directly as in Schindlers List, it was still very much there. My Opinion In conclusion, I must say that I think Roberto Benigni (the writer, director, and actor) created a masterpiece that touches your heart - not only do your cheeks hurt from smiling/laughing, but your eyes burn from the tears. As Benigni himself stated, ...I am a comedian and my way is not to show directly. Just to evoke. This to me was wonderful, the balance to comedy with the tragedy.* Academy Awards On March 21, 1999, Life Is Beautiful won Academy Awards for . . . Best Actor (Roberto Benigni)Best Foreign Language FilmOriginal Dramatic Score (Nicola Piovani) * Roberto Benigni as quoted in Michael Okwu, Life Is Beautiful Through Roberto Benignis Eyes, CNN 23 Oct. 1998 (
Friday, May 8, 2020
One Mans Freedom Fighter, Another Mans Terrorist Essay
Historical Inquiry - Terrorism Abstract What defines terrorism or freedom fighting depends upon a number of factors. Motivation as a factor in defining terrorism or freedom fighting is particularly significant as it forms the basis of Macquarie’s dictionary definition, â€Å"someone who joins in organised resistance usually armed against the established government, or the domination of his or her country by a foreign power†. Therefore it can be stated that a freedom fighters goal is to liberate oppressed people from foreign powers. Where as the motivation of terrorists might also stem from a want of freedom but also has its foundations in other sources, such as religious conflict, more personal motivators such as anger, frustration,†¦show more content†¦Fatah was a â€Å"revolutionary†movement founded in 1959 that consisted of Palestinians who had become disillusioned by the Arab politicians who subordinated the Palestinian issue to their interests and policy, seemingly manipulating it accor dingly . The Palestinian issue is the issue regarding the Palestinians exile from their homeland at gunpoint from the Zionists officially exiled when the Zionist oppressors in 1948 Declared Israel’s independence. Fatah believed that â€Å"before [1967], the Palestinians orbited around the Arab State; now Fatah tries to stage a Copernican revolution, and reverse the relationship†. The Fatah’s main objective as stated in the Fatah’s seven points in January 1969 was â€Å"not struggling against the Jews as an ethnic or religious community. Rather struggling against Israel as the expression of colonisation†where â€Å"the final objective of its struggle is the restoration of the independent democratic state of Palestine, all whose citizens will enjoy equal rights irrespective of religion†. They also had another objective that would allow the main objective to occur, Arafat in an interview states the greatest difficulty will be â€Å"overco ming our differences and achieving Palestinian national unity†. The Fatah exhorted that the Palestinian masses must become the driving force behind the Revolution; using armed struggle attacks fromShow MoreRelatedHumanities Oral Speech Assignment : Olivia Pease1293 Words  | 6 PagesHUMANITIES ORAL SPEECH ASSIGNMENT – OLIVIA PEASE Protagonists, the main characters within any story that we all admire and aspire to be. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Business and the air we breathe Free Essays
In December of 2008, the government’s environmental watchdog, the Environmental Protection Agency, decided that new power facilities are exempted from the requirement of installing mechanisms that will decrease the amount of carbon dioxide the plants emit into the atmosphere (David Fahrenthold, Steven Mufson, 2008). This action was adopted despite the resistance from environment oriented organizations (Fahrenthold, Mufson, 2008). The ruling, signed by EPA Administrator Stephen L. We will write a custom essay sample on Business and the air we breathe or any similar topic only for you Order Now Johnson, is anchored on an old statute that could be pivotal in the future operations of the power plants under the ambit of the Clean Air Act (Fahrenthold, Mufson, 2008). In the administration of former President Bush, the EPA has been inclined to dismiss the idea that greenhouse gases can be lumped together with soot, smog triggers and various types of air pollution (Fahrenthold, Mufson, 2008). The case for the classification of carbon dioxide in the category of an air polluting element began in the issuance of a permit for the construction of a power plant in Bonanza, Utah (Fahrenthold, Mufson, 2008). An environmental group, the Sierra Club, had challenged the permit for the plant (Fahrenthold, Mufson, 2008). In its motion, the group argued that the plant must first undertake mechanisms to decrease its emissions of carbon dioxide (Fahrenthold, Mufson, 2008). In a hearing of the EPA’s Appeals Board, a body tasked to hear issues regarding rulings and procedures of the body, the group made its case against the plant (Fahrenthold, Mufson, 2008). The group cited a statute that would require that the power plants must avail of the optimum technology to make the plants regulate the emission of all monitored pollutive substances (Fahrenthold, Mufson, 2008). This is parallel to the reminder of the group to the decision of the April 2007 ruling of the Supreme Court (Fahrenthold, Mufson, 2008). In that decision, Massachusetts vs. EPA (549 U.S. ___ (2007) (The Oyez Project, 2009), the Supreme Court ruled on the question whether the EPA has the power to monitor carbon dioxide and other pollutants (Oyez, 2009). In a 5-4 decision, that power was affirmed by the Supreme Court (Oyez, 2009). The case mainly stemmed from the action of the EPA in a seeming abrogation of that power (Environmental Defense Fund, 2008). In the majority decision with Justice John Paul Stevens as ponente, or author, the court ruled that the agency cannot abandon its responsibility and duty under the law to monitor the emissions of air pollutants into the air (Linda Greenhouse, 2007). Court litigations have been put on hold among them the earlier case of emissions from power facilties (Greenhouse, 2007). Stevens, joined in the decision by Justices Anthony Kennedy, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, David Breyer and Stephen Souter, decided that the EPA did not do anything in court than just present a list of items that the agency will not monitor (Greenhouse, 2007). The ruling of the Supreme Court however does not order that the Federal government conduct and enact programs to combat pollution emission (Environmental, 2008). But it is inferred that the United States Congress enact legislation to found a program for the purpose (Environmental, 2008). Massachusetts, among the parties, that did have a legal standing before the Court, was vindicated in its appeal against the EPA (Environmental, 2008). It is in the opinion of the Court that the matter be sent to Congress for final disposition (Environmental, 2008). In their opinion, air pollutants, as those emitted by the power facilities as well as motor vehicles, on which the Massachusetts case hinged, did not qualify as such under the ambit of the Clean Air Act (Environmental, 2008). In their decision, the Court ruled that it is within the scope of the powers of the EPA to regulate such pollutants (Environmental, 2008). The only exception is that if the pollutants do not contribute to the crisis of global warming (Environmental, 2008). But the EPA decided otherwise. This in complete defiance of a ruling by the United States Supreme Court in April of 2007 that carbon dioxide can be classified as an air pollutant that should be monitored under the Clean Air Act (Fahrenthold, Mufson, 2008). In the same way, the EPA granted the same exemptions to power plants emitting mercury beyond the lawful regulations (Fox News, 2008). In a decision handed down by a Federal Appeals court, the court overturned the policy of the Bush administration that stated that the government can let power plants exceed limits set for emission of the poisonous mercury element (Fox News, 2008). About a dozen state authorities had opposed the EPA regulation, saying that if the regulation had pushed through, it would release notoriously high amounts of mercury into the atmosphere (Fox News, 2008). How to cite Business and the air we breathe, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Moral Goodness Through Ethical Principles Essays - Social Philosophy
Moral Goodness Through Ethical Principles Moral Goodness Through Ethical Principles The ability to interpret the morally correct (morally good) resolution to a moral, when confronted by a moral dilemma, can be a very difficult task. Ethics is the search for universal objective principles for evaluating human behavior, good or bad. In societies, ethics are developed by their religious beliefs, government, and through experience. Social ethics serve as the premise for morality. Humans through ethics create morality, a personal or social code of conduct. The principles for ones morality are founded by the ethical standards of their society. Through experience, education, religion, and morality humans develop morals based on social and religious ethics. Morals give humans the ability to distinguish the morally right/good decision to make when confronted with a moral dilemma. However, in some instances we are confronted with a morally problematic situation in which it is difficult to distinguish the morally correct solution. For example, well consider the morally problem atic situation faced by the Smiths. The Smith family is like any average, American, middle-class family of Catholic faith. One night Jim, the Smiths eldest son who had jus graduated from college, went out to a bar for a friends birthday. Later, in the morning hours, Jim decides that he should go home. Jim decides to drive home even though he was very intoxicated. On his way home Jim runs a red light proceeding to smash into a car, instantly killing the driver. Jim leaves the scene, of which there were no witnesses, and hurries home. His parents tell him to stay at the house while they attempt to resolve and analyze the situation. The next day, a couple of police officers arrive at the house and question Jims parents about Jim and his whereabouts, who was a suspect for vehicular manslaughter and leaving the scene of a crime. What is the morally correct decision for the Jims parents to make in this situation? Should they protect their son from prosecution or hand him over to the prope r authorities? Jims parents must decide which of their options is morally correct, and then choose that option. The ethical principles of divine moral authority and utilitarianism can be used to help a person distinguish the morally correct decision, when confronted with a morally problematic situation. In the Smiths case, the two principles can be applied to their dilemma in order find the solution that is morally correct. However, the Smiths through their examination raises another question. Why should we be moral? The morally correct solution to the Smiths situation varies depending on the ethical principle that is applied. After analyzing the situation using the principles, one learns why we should be moral. Robert C. Mortimer, a philosopher during the 1950s, developed the ethical principle of divine moral authority. The principles of divine moral authority are established primarily by the ethical principles of Catholicism. Mortimer states that, according to moral authority, mans ownership and use of the material world is not absolute, but subject to the law of God. (pg. 267). In order to make a morally correct judgment, we must assure that the judgment coincides with natural moral law, the laws established by our God. Natural moral law, in accordance with Mortimer, states that nature has intrinsic goals (without irregularities) and purposes, in which the lower goals must be subordinate to higher goals. According to Mortimer, the Smiths must analyze their situation according to natural moral law. Jim has killed a person, which violates one of most sacred laws of God, eve though he did not kill the person intentionally. Although Jim is their son, Jims parents must acknowledge that Jim has violated a moral law of the society and the law of God. Though Jims parents do not want their son to be taken away from them bad prosecuted, they must realize the severity of the situation. If Jims parents decided to elude the police and continue to protect Jim, they too would be violating moral and ethical laws established by society and their God. Mortimer would argue that Jims parents must rely on reason and not their feelings because to make the body obey the reason (mind) is in harmony with nature. (pg. 268).
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